Sunday, July 31, 2011

Ramadhan Al-Mubarak


Esok hari pertama puasa, I'm quite nervous....Am I able to go through this month successfully? Am I able to achieve my long lists target?

Among my target:-

  1. Hafaz Juz Amma
  2. Complete reading Quran from Juz 13 - Juz 30
  3. Wake up for Suhoor everyday
  4. Pray taraweeh every night
  5. Infaq a lots (Must give gift/souvenir/treat once per week)
  6. Promote Islam to people around me at least once per week
  7. Write note on Raheeq Maktum & Muntalaq in power pt form
Ya Allah, gives me strength....

Monday, July 18, 2011

Am I deserve it?


Otw to onshore terminal today, I asking myself, am I deserve to be in this company? Am I add value? Today, I refused to go to Labuan tomorrow due to other personal commitment. I'm asking myself, am I rightful to refuse that?

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Program Sempena Ramadhan

Salam semua,

Di kesempatan ini saya ingin menjemput kawan2 (Muslimah shj) ke program di atas pada hari Sabtu ini, bertempat di rumah sahabat kami di Piasau.

Dear Sisters



A Sharing...

Do you know WHY we fast?

(yes, we know it is a direction from Allah, but do you really know WHERE it says so?)

Do you know WHAT is so special about RAMADHAN?

(it is really special, trust AllahJ)

Do you know HOW you can optimize this Ramadhan?

(so to not only be a better Muslim in your ibadah, but also the whole aspect of your life, WELL-ROUNDED)


Sis Azreena (Ena SSB) Place

(refer map attached...Those interested email me je sbb tk dpt nk attach map kat sini)

16th July (14 days to Ramadhan)


Lunch ProvidedJJJ

brought to you by:

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Lists for Muhasabah


These lists are good list for me to reflect (muhasabah) myself. I got it from someone blog.

  1. How you spend every minute of your life – more on entertainment or other productive stuff ? My answer : I don't like to waste my time on entertainment that not benefit me at all. I try to uphold ayat in Surah Al-Mukminun (1-3)
  2. How you spend ( or save ) RM 1. My answer :  I'm not a particular person who tracked on every single RM 1 that I have. This attitude sometimes not good as there are many needy in this world and how come I'm not appreciate my money and spend it wisely.
  3. How much you eat during every meal. My answer : RM 3 and above, I'm quite lavish on food I think...huhu....sedihnya sebab selalu membazir, byk makanan selalu tk habis sedangkan ramai kat negara lain tk cukup makanan. Mcm mana saya nk improve this attitude?
  4. Do you care of extra 10cent you have to pay for the good you bought ? My answer : No, I'm not a particular person.
  5. At what time do you wake up every morning ? My answer : Before Subuh and sometimes after Subuh. I need to improve to always wake up before Subuh for Solat Sunat Fajar.
  6. Your perception towards other people in general – positive or negative ? My answer : Depend to situation/my mood/types of people . However, I always try to remember this quote "Manusia di sisi Allah adalah sama dan orang yang paling baik/cemerlang di sisi Allah adalah orang yang paling bertakwa regardless of level of education, harta, pangkat and etc. 


Sunday, July 3, 2011


Yesterday evening, I was attended a meaningful gathering at one of akhwat’s house. That gathering is meant to gather a few new members for new usrah’s group. Syukran, Ya Allah atas segala rahmat dan nikmat-Mu, that short gathering was so meaningful and the tazkirah given were really touch my heart. That tazkirah was like a vitamin or supplement which cleans my heart and motivate me to appreciate my life.
Apa ek isi tazkirah..I couldn’t recall it all, but what I can remember is it was delivered with full of heart by the person who delivered it.
Yang saya dpt ingat ialah….kita jgn merasa bangga bila kita buat perkara2 baik, jangan terdetik di hati kita…”Owh, aku dah join usrah, owh aku dh buat tu,owh  aku dh buat ni”. Ini kerana kita tidak tahu apa kesudahan kita, keep doa supaya Allah sustain us menjadi insan yang baik, insan yang thabat di jalan dakwah dan tarbiyyah.
One of my friend, Didi, she shared with others that she really interested with one of tazkirah points which says “We should be proud that we are Muslim and we should show to other the beauty of Islam, not us to follow or to influence with other people’s religion/culture. Didi said sometimes when we are with our friends/officemates who is not yet fully understood Islam, we try to jeopardize our value and belief in order to suit with them. Huhu….that very poor things, but that true situation to myself too. I would like to add some more here, one of Ustaz in one of daurah that I attended said, “Anak-anak product keluaran kita adalah untuk mempengaruhi bukan untuk dipengaruhi”. In another words, untuk mempengaruhi orang lain untuk menjadi Muslim yang baik, bukan untuk dipengaruhi oleh anasir-anasir jahiliah yang merosakkan hidup manusia di dunia dan akhirat.

 Mulianya hidupku kerana Islam.
Today, I went to park with Mek and my housemates. Alhamdulillah, it was a nice picnic. I tried to do some exercises as my mutabaah amal (kpi) enquires me to exercise 15 minutes/week. I didn't achieve it this week, only 10 minutes. I was quite exhausted thus I just stopped at 10 minutes. My method of exercise this week was walking, jogging, climbing up and down the staircases. Hehe:)

Btw, I was quite happy because I abled to bring Mek there. It was a good exercise for her too. Today, she exercised by climbing up and down the staircases. By bringing her to the park, she also can inhale in the fresh air and do eyes exercise too by viewing green sceneries around the park. I hope I cherish every moments of her cute Mek:)

Come on Mek..u can do it:)

With my housemate...Liz

Mek,myself and Leen (housemate)

Thank you also to my housemate, for suggesting we have to go to picnic together. Alhamdulillah, I abled to do it.