Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Belajar berkorban

Belajar berkorban. I will miss the trip to Similajau. While all my close friends enjoy their activities at Similajau, I will do some job at offshore. I’m really unhappy that job clash with my trip to Similajau and I try to avoid it by thinking like this and that. However, I think I should learn to accept something bitter in my life, to accept something that I don’t like. It really hard to do it because I usually will fight for what I like.

Arghh…..I wish the times moves faster and I don’t need to think about to choose Similajau or offshore anymore.

Monday, March 22, 2010

We're not post office


Someone has been misunderstood that quote. It does not mean of we’re not paper engineer, it mean we’re not the message forwarder like what a post office does, which it forward a message from a party to another parties.

We are the thinker, the problem solver because we’re engineer. So, when we are given a problem through an email or so on, we should try to answer that problem by finding the answer through manual, senior or so on. If we just forward that problem to other person to answer on our behalf because we are lazy to find the answer by ourselves, it means that we are not an engineer, we just a post office. Hehe.

The person that quote that statement will be leaving us soon. I inspired his way of talking, his way of adapting himself with crowd and his way of thinking about something.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Ingatan untuk diri sendiri


Alhamdulillah, saya masih mempunyai kesempatan dan kekuatan utk menulis di blog ini. Akhir2 ini, saya agak sibuk and 'in no mood condition'. Entah kenapa jadi 'no mood' mungkin sbb saya kecewa dengan diri sendiri.Sering kali saya ditarbiah di dlm usrah dah pelbagai program, namun kekuatan jiwa masih lagi lemah.Nampaknya, saya perlu masa yg lama utk membina kekuatan jiwa, utk betul2 memahami budaya dan tatacara hidup yg digariskan oleh Islam. Meneliti terjemahan Al-Quran adalah salah satu cara untuk menguatkan kefahaman kita terhadap ajaran Islam. Indah sekali ayat2 Al-Quran. Terjemahan ayat2 Al-Quran itu adalah amat menusuk hati bagi orang-orang yang berfikir dengan akal dan mata hati.

Salah satu yg naqibah suruh hafal adalah ayat 14, surah Ali Imran yg bermaksud:

Dijadikan terasa indah pada pandangan manusia cinta terhadap apa yang diinginkan, berupa perempuan-perempuan, anak-anak, harta benda yang bertompok dalam bentuk emas dan perak, kuda pilihan, haiwan ternak dan sawah ladang. Itulah kesenangan hidup di dunia, dan di sisi Allah-lah tempat kembali yang baik.

Salah satu lagi terjemahan ayat untuk dikongsi adalah ayat 208, Surah Al-Baqarah yg bermaksud,

Wahai orang2 beriman, masuklah kamu ke dalam Islam secara keseluruhan, dan jangan kamu ikuti langkah2 syaitan.Sungguh, ia musuh yg nyata bgmu.

Apakah maksudnya, masuk ke Islam secara keseluruhan?? Maksudnya kita harus menjadikan Islam sebagai tatacara hidup kita. Islam bukan setakat di masjid, Islam bukan setakat sembahyang, puasa, menutup aurat, tetapi Islam meliputi sistem jual beli, sistem ekonomi, sistem perbankan, sistem politik dan pemerintahan negara. Islam juga mempunyai garis panduan mengenai hubungan kejiranan, garis panduan pergaulan lelaki dengan perempuan dan sebagainya. Remember, "masuklah kamu ke dalam Islam secara keseluruhan". Jadi jgn ambil hukum Islam itu separuh2.

Islam is the way of life and every Muslim should proud because they have chosen to be a Muslim.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

I am in KL


Today, I'm in KL (Sunway Pyramid) for solar panel testing. Lot of things happened lately:-

  1. One of my best friend wedding's reception will coming soon. Ummu Uwais a.k.a Ila. I'm not going since flight ticket mahal, just pray for her from far.
  2. Got new housemate since old housemate (As) will be moving to her relative's house
  3. SKO Family Day on 6th March - I succesfully did my part (Committee for Fancy Dress Competition, Supply Hat for Family Day Committee and Helping PETRONITA stall operator). Hope PETRONITA dpt untung for stall operation during family day.
  4. Marline's mother passed away yesterday evening. Marline is one of the most active PETRONITA main committee. I'm feel sorry for her.
  5. Solar panel testing today.Erm..nice. Many new things I can learn.
  6. Site visit to Betty-A last two weeks. Also nice because the contractor taught me on how to read and interpret the mounting structure drawing.

ok, that all for today update.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Lama tk update

Dear blog,

Sorry lama tk update. Saya tk sihat, terbatuk2 dan agak berserabut. Balik office selalu lewat, mkn pon tk lalu sbb batuk.Hutang2 pon baru byr hari ni sbb tk sempat nk bukak internet. Balik rumah terus tido. Arini baru rasa lega sket sbb semua hutang dah byr time office hour td through internet banking.
Tapi masih rasa tk puas hati sbb saya tk sempat nk uruskan diri saya betul2, pokok kat halaman rumah habis kuning sbb dah lama tk siram air. Miri mengalami cuaca kemarau. Buku2 yg dibeli masih belum sempat dibaca.Ilmu teknikal sbg jurutera elektrikal masih belum dpt saya kuasai. I'm not focus, I'm not firm.huhu...
Saya sedang membina diri ke arah seorg insan yg lebih baik.Insyaallah.