Saturday, January 8, 2011

Perseverance: The Road to Success


Dear Readers,

Let's me share with you on the importance of preservance (istiqamah/never give up) that I took from

And (remember) when Musa (Moses) said to his boy-servant: “I will not give up (traveling) until I reach the junction of the two seas or (until) I spend years and years in traveling."

(Holy Quran, Al-Kahf, Chapter 18, Verse 60) 

Musa (Peace be upon him) was known as one of the 5 Messengers of strong will – “Ulo Al-Azm” (the other four Messengers are Muhammad, Ibrahim, Nuh, and Esa (peace be upon them all)). The above verse is an example of his strong will and perseverance. He explained to his servant boy at the outset of their journey that their mission may be long, and difficult but he was not prepared to rest or give up until he reached his goal.

There are a couple of important productivity lessons I want to draw your attention to: Firstly, you should prepare yourself mentally for the journey ahead whenever you want to achieve a productive goal. Don’t trick your mind in thinking the task is easy when it’s not. Secondly, you should never quit when your goal is noble especially if it’s for seeking more knowledge and seeking the pleasure of Allah (Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala), even if this means spending years and years seeking that goal. It can seem easy to quit, but the road to success requires strong will and patient perseverance.

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