Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Gambar Kelas Make Up

Salam semua....

About last two weeks, I joined class make up organized by Kunaz. Very nice class. I learnt how to make up myself.Hehehe

(Kita guna baby oil ke sebagai make up removal???Oh...baru saya tahu yg kita boleh guna baby oil)

(Very high concerntration to Kunaz lecture)

(Inilah jenis2 base make up)

Friday, April 24, 2009

Hi good morning,

Yesterday, I had my facial treatment. Huhu....nice....

I am wondering although I take quite a good care for my face skin, but my face is seldom free from pimple and blackhead. It always appeared onto my face....Kalau tk byk pon, mesti ada satu yg muncul.

I think my skinface is naturally like this
It is oily
And the blackhead easily grows on it
I am jealous of my few girl friends at UTP
That have really good skin
Although, they do not use any skin product
Their skin look like baby
Not oily at all............

Hmmm....but it is OK. If I am not take a good care of my skin face, there must be more pimples and blackhead appeared on it. I should felt grateful for the time I have to take care of it, for the effort I have done so far and for the gift given by Allah...


The owner of that salon said to me...."Are you slept late at the night??", "Yes, lately I slept quite late and I quite tired. I also when to offshore yesterday".

You better sleep early, enough sleep is good for face skin. Sleep late is one of the contribution for pimples to come out.

Realise on that, I sleep early last night.At 10.00 p.m.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

1st time at Tukau

Today, there was an ad-hoc suggestion from one of Snr. Engineer in my dept, "Can you go to Tukau at 11.00 a.m today?" I am not knowing what the scope it is.....but I am happily answered, "Yes". Ni kes tk nk duduk office, sanggup ku redah gelombang Laut China Selatan.

I am quickly go back to my home and change my baju kurung to coverall. Luckily, my house is just nearby the office. The swell today was really big and high. I got headache and stomachache and felt like want to vomit. To avoid vomitting, I just close my eyes and tried to sleep.

Aduhh....sakitnya kepala...Tup tup dah sampai TKDP-B. I did my job and had a nice lunch there. Lunch provided from TKQ-A is very nice, more nicer than a few restaurant in Miri onshore. I like the way of that foods have been packaged. They were not using the polystrene but they put that food in a small steel container, bekas besi bertingkat2.Very environmental friendly, as that containers are re-usable.

My fault....I forgot to take picture of that food has been served..........Arghhh...wat such of simple but give a big impact mistake..Mesti orang yg baca blog ni tk boleh imagine, mcm mana la bekas besi bertingkat tu....Lain kali kalo pergi lagi, mesti kena ambik gmbr.

What can I said about my visit today is it is not achieve my own objectives. There are a few areas that remain uncertainty. I don't know, why I was not seriously digging the information during that visit. Now, I missed the equipments(lighting and cable) specifications,maintenance record. Alamak, lupa la pasal benda ni semua time site visit tadi. Terlajak perahu boleh diundur, terlajak tindakan time offshore visit, tk boleh pusing balik pergi offshore lagi.Only once chance given. Menyesalnyer dengan tindakan sendiri.....

Btw, positively I have learnt a lot from site visit. About cable and lighting, now I can compare real situation at site to what I listened in the vendor presentation.

Pujuk diri : Takpela...nk buat mcm mana, terlupa, blur. Normal la tu, kan saya baru kerja setahun....Lain kali cuba la improve diri.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Where is Lady on Saturday?

Pandainyer posing adik2 PBPP ni....

Akhirnya, Lady show her photos in her blog. Hehehe. Asalnya, nak jadi anonymous, tknk tunjuk muka. Tapi tk boleh nk rahsia lagi, tk best.Blog lama Lady dah didelete atas sebab2 tertentu, apa pun Lady tknk sebut nama Lady dlm blog dan tknk promote blog ni kat sesapa. Just, kalo ada org terjumpa n suka nk baca, bacalah.....

Shy Claressa...She makes me remember my oldies...Hehehe.

This Saturday, woke up quite early for the weekend. Ironed my pant, t-shirt and 'tudung'. Quickly prepared myself and then drove to Nalai's house. Oh....I was late. My friends already compained, "Cepat sket" ....Yeah...I am otw...:)

Enjoyed the moment with Std 4 and 5 of SK Kuala Baram. By 11.30 a.m program ended. Otw back, we dropped at CTR and took our light snack...It should be lunch actually, but we already fulled becoz we already had tea break at school around 10.30 a.m. I just ordered 'roti bakar'.

They dropped me at Nalai's house and I drove back to my house at Lutong Baru. Got a little rest, then went to my senior house, Kak Along at Pujut for her farewell. She will be transfered to PCSB-KL soon. There were many peoples by the time I arrived at Kak Along's house. I was quite shy, but I gagahkan jgk utk join that event. After a while, I took my dishes and finished it. Actually, I felt like want to go back to my house as soon as I finished that food. But, I was quite shy to leave that event early due to many peoples still there.

I am the type that 'Siap makan terus nk balik...huhu.Takde nak bersosial2 atau berbual kosong'

Around 3.00 pm ++, I asked permission to go back from Kak Along and her bibik. But yg peliknya, I didnt even say thank you to her husband...Hehehe. I thought I am the type that quite shy and stiff.

At home, I slept for a long period because I was tired and MC from 5 times obligatory prayer. I woke up at 6.30 p.m and found many sms at my mobile phone.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Titipan dari Sibu

Me in front of many peoples, spoke about my career and motivated them to study well.....Hahaha...Does she is me???Unbelievable.I am changing to a better of me.Hehehe

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Things that I should forget


A few things that I should forget....

  1. Enough rest - Kerana saya adalah pejuang, dan hidup pejuang tidak pernah sepi dari pelbagai aktiviti. Saya patut mengatur masa dgn sebaik mungkin kerana masa tu adalah emas bg saya.
  2. Chicken - My family in Kelantan banned supermarket chicken because improper slaughtering (not according to Islamic way). Even my 5 year old niece also knew that we are no longer can eat chicken except the one that slaughter at our home. I will support my family vision. Hehehe....but depend to condition.
Apapun esok, Lady will travel to Sibu. Lady will be a speaker for form 5 students that have been sponspored by PETRONAS. Oh...they must be good and ambitious teenagers. Tak sangkanyer, Lady akan jadi speaker. Masa sekolah dulu selalu suka tgk abg dan kakak yg dtg bg motivation kat sekolah. Tak sangka, skrg Lady jadi macam org yg Lady inspired.....Huhu
Btw, Lady kena pikir apa Lady nk jadi pada masa depan. Mentor Lady srh Lady pikir. Nak jadi apa ek???Boleh tk kalo nk jadi seperti sebatang pokok yg akar kuat menjunam ke dalam bumi, dahannya kukuh menjulang ke langit, daun2 nya rimbun tempat manusia berteduh, bunga2 nya berseri penyejuk mata, buah2 manis dan boleh dimakan...Hehehe...Manager ke TP????