Saturday, April 18, 2009

Where is Lady on Saturday?

Pandainyer posing adik2 PBPP ni....

Akhirnya, Lady show her photos in her blog. Hehehe. Asalnya, nak jadi anonymous, tknk tunjuk muka. Tapi tk boleh nk rahsia lagi, tk best.Blog lama Lady dah didelete atas sebab2 tertentu, apa pun Lady tknk sebut nama Lady dlm blog dan tknk promote blog ni kat sesapa. Just, kalo ada org terjumpa n suka nk baca, bacalah.....

Shy Claressa...She makes me remember my oldies...Hehehe.

This Saturday, woke up quite early for the weekend. Ironed my pant, t-shirt and 'tudung'. Quickly prepared myself and then drove to Nalai's house. Oh....I was late. My friends already compained, "Cepat sket" ....Yeah...I am otw...:)

Enjoyed the moment with Std 4 and 5 of SK Kuala Baram. By 11.30 a.m program ended. Otw back, we dropped at CTR and took our light snack...It should be lunch actually, but we already fulled becoz we already had tea break at school around 10.30 a.m. I just ordered 'roti bakar'.

They dropped me at Nalai's house and I drove back to my house at Lutong Baru. Got a little rest, then went to my senior house, Kak Along at Pujut for her farewell. She will be transfered to PCSB-KL soon. There were many peoples by the time I arrived at Kak Along's house. I was quite shy, but I gagahkan jgk utk join that event. After a while, I took my dishes and finished it. Actually, I felt like want to go back to my house as soon as I finished that food. But, I was quite shy to leave that event early due to many peoples still there.

I am the type that 'Siap makan terus nk balik...huhu.Takde nak bersosial2 atau berbual kosong'

Around 3.00 pm ++, I asked permission to go back from Kak Along and her bibik. But yg peliknya, I didnt even say thank you to her husband...Hehehe. I thought I am the type that quite shy and stiff.

At home, I slept for a long period because I was tired and MC from 5 times obligatory prayer. I woke up at 6.30 p.m and found many sms at my mobile phone.

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