Monday, June 29, 2009

I also obsessed about map

Huhu....I woke up early this morning about 4,30 a.m.

This morning, suddenly I remember about travel around the world. May be influencial with Dila who addicted with travelling across the globe. I like to travel but I have no budget to travel. So, I was thinking of....................road trip. Hahaha..because it is cheaper. Tapi idea yg tk logik, kalau dlm Malaysia boleh la road trip, kalau negara orang susah. Takde lesen international.

But, I still excited looking at my globe which placed in a small table beside my queen bed. Kecik sgt la globe ni, sakit mata nk tgk location negara Arab ni. Bestnya pergi round negara Arab. I imagined of buah tin kering, kismis, kurma berinti walnut, air zam-zam. Negara Arab mempunyai daya tarikan tersendiri di hati saya.

Selain negara Arab, saya excited nk visit China sbb rasa mcm cultures dia best, orang kata byk brg murah. Dari magazine Going Places kat dlm flight MAS, pemandangan kat Negara China nampak best. Kat dlm dokumentari Majalah Tiga,ada tunjuk umat Islam di Negara China sedang ambil wuduk dengan air panas sebab time tu musim sejuk.

" Tuntutlah Ilmu Sehingga Negara China" China tunggu saya dtg ek, dalam 10 tahun lagi....

Dalam masa terdekat ni, kalau boleh saya nk pergi semua negeri di Malaysia + Indonesia. Indonesia ni serumpun dengan Malaysia, seperti saudara la kiranya. Jadi sebelum pergi tempat yang jauh, kenalah kita melawat saudara kita dulu. Lagipun, saudara kita ni tk kurang exotic, cantik dan hebatnya. Tahun depan plan nk g Jakarta dan Bandung.

Home Sweet Home

Biar kakak tlg adik pusing stereng laa...

"Pandai adik bawak kereta", kata Abang Ngah. Abang tknk masuk gambar

Kakak dan adik

Kami berjemaah bersama.

" Home Sweet Home"

I was in my home last June (12/6 - 15/6)

Only three days

I met my brother who I didnt meet for one year since when I came back, he awayed.When he came back, I was awayed.

I brought my niece and nephews to TESCO KB, our fave spot to hang out everytime I come back to Kelantan

I discussed further on my plan to renovate my parents house with my parents and uncle.

On the way back to Miri, I met my sister at KLIA. She is in the final stage of her pregnacy.

Where do you want to stay in future???

Bekal (Cinet buat mee, saya dan Dila buat sushi)


Cantik...mcm air terjun Niagara versi Miri

Versi cekak pinggang

Me : I want to stay in UK because I want to grow strawberries, roses and berry in front of my house and in my backyard.Hehehe...Nak stay sekejap jer...dlm 3 tahun, bila strawberry, berry dan roses siap dituai, nk balik Malaysia balik...Huhu, berangan.

Cinet : I want to stay in Washington.....

Me : In my heart (peliknya budak ni, kenapalah dia nk stay kat US). But now, I know the tragic reason behind it...Hehehe

Adilah : I want to stay in Japan. I am really addicted to Japan. I already two times visited Japan and I have been travelled to the most states in Japan

Our 'Girls Talk' in my VIVA while we was heading to Lambir National Park yesterday.... I love my VIVA, it small and cute!!

I continued that "Girls Talk' with Ila in Najua Restaurant last night.

Me : Ila, where do you want to stay in future? I want to stay in UK.

Ila : Malaysia, if not Malaysia. I want to stay in UK because I already familiar with UK. During at South Hampton University, I did jungle trekking. The scenery is really nice, ada banyak pokok. Tengah2 jalan jumpa kuda yang cantik, jumpa rusa. Jumpa jgk makcik tua yg tinggal kat kampung. Makcik tua kat UK ni even dia tak kenal kita, mesti dia cheer up kita dan tegur kita. Antara ayat makcik tua adalah 'Where are going love? Are you lost dear?....'

Me : Waa.....bagusnya org UK. Kalau aku jadi sebagus tu kan best!!

Monday, June 22, 2009

Cable FAT in Penang

Alhamdullilah....esok boleh balik Miri selepas habis cable FAT dekat Penang.FAT berjalan lancar. Nasib baik aku tk dtg sorang utk FAT ni, kitaorg dtg 3 org. Aku, Firdause dan Khoo. Kalau aku dtg sorang, mesti aku balik dgn tk puas hati, tapi sbb dtg 3 org jadi rasa lebih confident. Three heads is better than one head. Kitaorg tnye byk benda supaya everything is clear. Best this FAT, I learnt a lot.

Tak sabar nk balik Miri to do my activity there-swimming, sewing, attending Iqra' class. Ada activity baru iaitu nk pergi picnic dekat Lambir. Ini saya plan dengan Ila, tapi belum bgtau kawan lain, so nnti balik Miri saya nk bgtau Kak Laily, Cinet, Adilah dan Kak Raihan.

Tapi risau sbb saya demam selsema ni, takut makin teruk demam nanti........

Friday, June 19, 2009

Alamak,tak tahu nk jawab


Title post yg melucukan...Ini pasal kerja. Alkisahnya, aku kena challenge about a few things tapi aku langsung tak boleh nk fikir apa jawapan dia. Adeh......tak bagus betul sikap tak tahu nk jawab ni. Bagi aku, sikap yg bagus adalah kalo org soal kita, kita dapat jawab on the spot jgk, settle masalah dan tak perlulah consume other time utk masalah tersebut.
Aku pon jadi risau, skrg ni tkpe lah kalau aku tk tahu nk jawab sbb baru kerja setahun, tapi kalau dah kerja 3 tahun, mesti la malu jgk. Jgnlah 3 tahun lagi, aku masih mcm ni....

Alhamdullilah, skrg aku dah ada Snr Engineer kat atas aku, so aku belajar dari dia. Dulu pon ada seorg senior tapi different section, bila different section aku tknk la rely on him so much sbb kesian dia nnti kerja section dia tk jln pulak sbb asyik dok melayan soalan aku.

Risau on my future in this big company sbb it is very competitive and for the sake of my parents and my siblings, I won't like to be the person that being left behind. Actually, for the sake of myself too.....

Stress moment

Cute moment

Friday, June 5, 2009

Waiting lists for the things that I want to buy

Ada dua benda yang sering saya fikir utk beli sampai 'tension' sbb sikap saya yang tk sabar2 nk beli 2 benda tu walaupun saya sebenarnya boleh hidup dengan gembira tanpa 2 benda tu. Hehehe..

1. Rumah

Sering survey kat internet harga rumah kat Kelantan dekat this link( Dekat bandar Pasir Mas, harga rumah RM178,000. Harga dia quite ok kalau nk compare dengan tempat lain sbb rumah ini rumah banglo 1 tingkat dengan 3 bilik tidur dan 2 bilik air.

Tapi saya rasa perlu simpan duit dulu kot sebelum beli, at least 10% dari overall price. Kalau saya simpan RM 300 sebulan, setahun dapat RM 3600. So, by 5 years akan dapat RM 18000. Hmm....tapi 5 tahun lagi harga rumah still maintain macam skrg ke? Entah2 dah mahal time tu...Huhu. 5 tahun lagi may be saya pon dah berubah fikiran.

Inilah rumah yang dimaksudkan. Tkde la grand...but just nice to build up and raise a family

2. Mesin jahit

Nak sangat beli mesin jahit. Keinginan yang melebihi benda-benda lain. Sebab harga dia RM2000 ++, so saya tak beli lagi. B4 saya pergi Sabah hari tu, saya dah hampir2 nk beli secara monthly installment, tapi stop sekejap bila fikir saya belum pandai menjahit. Takut tak berbaloi beli, lepas tu tk fully utilize. So, better belajar menjahit dulu la.

Belajar menjahit pon, I can't start it so soon because in June, I will travel a lot. Next weekend, saya akan balik Pasir Mas. So, kelas jahitan pada Jumaat mlm (12th June ni) akan burn. The weekend after that, saya akan balik KL, rumah kakak sbb 22nd June saya ada FAT kat Butterworth, Penang. So, kelas jahitan pada 19th June akan burn. So, saya dpt conclude yang kelas jahitan saya akan dapat dimulakan pada 26th June. Insyaallah, kalau ada slot kosong.

Tak sabar nak belajar menjahit, rasa mcm nk ambil diploma dalam bidang fesyen plak. Hehe...Saya rasa macam tu sbb kelas saya ini mmg ada exam lepas saya habis setiap modul dan akan diberi sijil. Kalau tk pass exam, nnti kena repeat modul yg sama. Kelas jahitan dan sulaman yang dimaksudkan ini ada kat Piasau Utara. Saya dan Naz dah pergi survey, mmg bagus dan convenience.

Nasihat buat diri sendiri : Buat la apa yang saya suka, asalkan ianya tk bertentangan dengan syariah dan tidak mengabaikan career saya sebagai engineer.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Lesson learnt from Sabah Vacation (Part 1)


Half of my dream since I was a little girl had become a reality. Time kecik2 dulu nk pergi sgt Sabah sbb nk shopping pearl sbb masa kecik my late nenek brought back a lot of pearls during she visited Sabah in year 1990 or year 1991, nk visit my uncle yang kerja kat Kudat time tu. Now, he already moved to Tawau. When I was at Secondary school, I was addicted to a few of novels. One of those novel says that, "When I marry you, I will bring you to kaki Gunung Kinabalu menyaksikan keindahan alam semulajadi ciptaan Allah......ayat seterusnya aku tk ingat dah..."

My friends posed with Kinabalu mountainous background

Inilah kaki Gunung Kinabalu...sejuk dan nyaman

Ini plak patung penyambut tetamu kat depan one of the restaurant of Kinabalu Park

In Sabah on last few days, I didn't shop pearl and didn't either contact my uncle because as I became adult and grow mature, I didn't addicting to both anymore. I just want to see the culture different and beauty of this state. 4 days 3 nights in Sabah is not enough for us to explore all.

My mother always 'bising' "Why you don't contact your uncle as you now work in Sarawak and already two times visited Sabah". I just replied, "I don't want to, I'm not close to him, he might be busy with other things". Else in my heart I say, "He is not my real uncle, so what for I contact him".

It was not just a normal vacation but a vacation with lot of lesson learnt. From this vacation, I knew my friends better, their strength that I can copy/adapt into my daily life and their weakness that I also must learnt for a better friendship.

"Nobody perfect and for the sake of a relationship we must accept the imperfection of our love one"

I learnt from the kindness and good hospitality of Mar and Ping. We are not close friends, but they are so kind to us. Kak Laily and Me knew Mar since last year because of job purpose, and Ping who is Mar roomate, we just knew her during last visited to Sabah. They allowed us to stay overnight at their nice home from 4 days 3 nights. Besides that, they took us around KK to a few hotspot such as Gaya Street, Tanjung Aru, Tanjung Lipat and to the top of KK's city. They woke up in the early morning, prepared us our breakfast....Baik dan rajinnya...Sabahan best!!!

I can adapt such hospitality when a guest visiting my house. Selama ini mak aku jer busy kalo ada tetamu, aku tk layan sgt tetamu.

I also touched with Ping's story how her late mother who is born as Christian and reverted to Islam. Her mother interested of Islam when she saw her maid did her daily chores as Muslim in their house in Phillipine. From Ping's story, her mother is a good Muslim and she can recite the Quran, she also taught her children to recite Quran by herself.

Me and Ping

I was calling Aishah to pose with us

Yang paling hujung dari kanan adalah Mar. Thanks Mar for offering us to stay at your home

Byk lagi yang ingin ditulis, tapi aku nampaknya perlu tidur dulu sebab sudah lewat. Byk photo harus diupload, nak bukak fotopages la kalo cenggini.

Conclusion for this post: Thanks gurlz for making our long journey and adventurous road trip from Miri to KK became reality!!!!!!