Yesterday evening, I was attended a meaningful gathering at one of akhwat’s house. That gathering is meant to gather a few new members for new usrah’s group. Syukran, Ya Allah atas segala rahmat dan nikmat-Mu, that short gathering was so meaningful and the tazkirah given were really touch my heart. That tazkirah was like a vitamin or supplement which cleans my heart and motivate me to appreciate my life.
Apa ek isi tazkirah..I couldn’t recall it all, but what I can remember is it was delivered with full of heart by the person who delivered it.
Yang saya dpt ingat ialah….kita jgn merasa bangga bila kita buat perkara2 baik, jangan terdetik di hati kita…”Owh, aku dah join usrah, owh aku dh buat tu,owh aku dh buat ni”. Ini kerana kita tidak tahu apa kesudahan kita, keep doa supaya Allah sustain us menjadi insan yang baik, insan yang thabat di jalan dakwah dan tarbiyyah.
One of my friend, Didi, she shared with others that she really interested with one of tazkirah points which says “We should be proud that we are Muslim and we should show to other the beauty of Islam, not us to follow or to influence with other people’s religion/culture. Didi said sometimes when we are with our friends/officemates who is not yet fully understood Islam, we try to jeopardize our value and belief in order to suit with them. Huhu….that very poor things, but that true situation to myself too. I would like to add some more here, one of Ustaz in one of daurah that I attended said, “Anak-anak product keluaran kita adalah untuk mempengaruhi bukan untuk dipengaruhi”. In another words, untuk mempengaruhi orang lain untuk menjadi Muslim yang baik, bukan untuk dipengaruhi oleh anasir-anasir jahiliah yang merosakkan hidup manusia di dunia dan akhirat.
Mulianya hidupku kerana Islam.