Oleh kerana agak busy last week, saya hanya sempat upload gambar jer, tk sempat nk karang cerita.Hehehe. TQ to Little Yaya for the comment.
Okla...mari bercerita pasal lawatan ke offshore. Macam ini ceritanya, in one Sunday morning in the early of this month, I have visited Baronia Quarters in order to meet my coach for ACD program. I am very lucky, Dila had accompanied me for that visit as she had something to do at Baronia jacket which a few metres scattered from Baronia Quarters. But, before she went to the jacket, she had dropped by at Quarters first.
Ini pula gambar baru naik boat pada waktu pagi. Boat ini akan menuju ke Baronia Quarters.
Yang ceria inilah Dila, Mechanical Engineer
I think, I feeling sleepy. There are a few more to updates. In summary:-
- I spent this weekend (22 & 23 aug to do Semarak Ramadhan buletin board at SKO). Alhamdullilah, it was almost finish, the part that only left is 'a few wording'. I was so fortunate as our Buletin Board team leader (TL) willing to do that part by himself. Kesian TL, tapi saya tk dpt tunggu lagi td sbb semua kaum perempuan dah balik, jadi saya tknk jadi perempuan tunggal lat ctu...Lagipun, saya rasa kerja buat wording tu sket je.Hehehe
- Meet adik2 yg ambil Medic from University Indon (22 aug-time Iftar kat bilik my best friend in Miri, Ila). Happy jumpa bakal2 doktor. There were 14 of them.
- Shopping (I bought oven + blender today = Insyaallah, saya akan belajar memasak)
- Shopping clothes ( 3 helai baju t-shirt sumayya + satu baju Raya = saya rasa berbelanja sakan)
mana citernyer...mesti sibuk ni ek tak sempat to hv the write up...
ReplyDeletesure will encourage lady students to be an engineer.. seems fun!!!