Friday, December 25, 2009

The Value of Leadership That I Learnt

This evening, there was a big stone knocked my head, I tried to calm down. In my heart, only Allah knows how I felt, about distrust to other people, about religion sensitivity and so on. How I am really concern about halal food until I stopped from eating chicken because I not so sure whether chicken is correctly slaughtered or not, but what happened to me now?? I must be more concern, so other peoples also safe from non-halal food.

But the thing is already happened, I cannot go back. I must face it bravely and with a full of responsibility as a leader. In my heart, I prayed for the strength, courage and intelligence to handle this situation tomorrow morning.

Now, I knew why during structural interview for the job in this company, I have been assessed through a session called role play. During that time, I need to act as a leader to handle a very difficult situation. Yeah, during that time, it was only a role play, not impact to anyone. But, today is the real situation……….

The other thing that I learnt is, it is very important to have a leader and choose a leader with Islamic mindset……I am feeling regret and disappointed of myself because I cannot avoid this thing happened because I did not educate people about this thing….And tonight after that thing already happened, my effort to settle this problem is still less….Boleh dikatakan masih relaks di dalam bilik sambil berfikir apa nak buat esok. Begitu kerdilnya saya jika hendak dibandingkan dengan usaha Khalifah Umar bin Abdul Aziz yang sanggup mengorbankan waktu rehat demi membela nasib dan hak rakyat yang dizalimi.

Luahan Rasa,
Lady Ambitious
21/12/2009 bersamaan 4 Muharam 1431 H – di suatu malam selepas satu peristiwa besar melanda diriku selepas 13 hari genap umurku 25 tahun.

This article is a little bit backdated because it cannot be posted earlier due to slow of internet connection.

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