I just came back from Betty offshore after 3 days 2 nights staying onboard. Perasaan saya sewaktu staying onboard hanya Tuhan yang tahu. Berperang dengan masalah kerja dan berperang dengan diri saya sendiri.
Pengalaman baru menjaga construction activities dekat site. I tried to observe whether the contractor that work under my supervision perform their prayer or not. I could not see their pray, I asked my friend whether I should ask them whether they have performed their daily prayer or not. For the first day, I didn't dare to ask. Back to Baronia quarter, I discussed with my friend what I should do in order to instill the true Islamic environment in the heart of our team since all of us are Muslims. I came to a conclusion, I must be brave.
For the second day, I have asked two of them to perform their prayer. Today is the third day, I have dare to say to all of them that, "Daily prayer is important in our life". One of them said I'm not pray, but saya terharu bila dia berkata "Saya suka tgk org yg sembahyang". Saya balas balik "Baiklah, kalau mcm tu setiap kali tiba waktu solat, saya akan ingatkan kamu supaya solat" kata saya sambil tersenyum.
Esok saya berhenti rehat 1 hari kerana ada problem sedikit dari segi materials.
I want to say thanks to Betty operation for their hospitality. Thanks also to Bokor and BNQ operation for the hospitality.
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