Alhamdulillah, today I'm really HAPPY and EXCITED when our department has been selected to final competition of SKO Take 5. Hehe.
I have been part of the team as 'awok-awok'.
I hope I can upload some photos of our Dikir Barat team soon.
Today, I one more time had discussion with operation regarding yesterday's project. Huhu, still confuse on that issue. I don't really understand the gist of the issue and I don't know how to present this issue later.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Monday, February 22, 2010
1st day in office after long away
My first day after long outstation + annual leave is hrmm....OK and worth.
I had did a few things today, the most special one is I had involved in a meeting with OPERATION regarding one of my project. I am a little bit clumsy and unable to express my idea due to my fever and flu. My brain like stop thinking.Hrmm...I don't know what happened to that teleconference meeting, I didn't really get its conclusion. Luckly, there will be another meeting tomorrow for the same project but at different area. Yg tk clear arini kena bg clear esk....Ntah pape jer aku ckp td...huhu.
I also involved in Take 5 practice today.Hrmm...I love music although I can't perform. Esk I'm not sure whether I will perform or not, if not enough people, I will be volunteer to be part of the team but if there will excess people in that team, I will be take camera video.Hehe.
Today my performance in term of ibadat is not very good. Today, I did my prayer faster, recite the doa faster and didn't read Quran at all.Huhu.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Aktiviti di kampung
Saja yg nk cerita pasal aktiviti saya semasa bercuti di kampung. Hari ini adalah hari ke-4 saya bercuti di rumah. Beberapa aktiviti telah dilakukan. Cthnya, gardening.Saya menyemai beberapa jenis pokok sayuran bersama anak buah saya. I teach kids(my nephews) to grow their own vegetables.....hehehe. It is a very good lesson that I taught to them. We plant kailan (kale), kangkung & cherry tomato.
I also teach my 6 years old niece how to read. My niece is a very ambitious little girl. A few times in a day, she will find me and said to me, "Su, kakak (ny niece's nickname) nk baca". After that, I will teach her how to recite 'Iqra book and Anakku book. 'Iqra' book is the basic book on how to recite Quran, while Anakku book is a set of books that used to teach children on how to read.Anakku is a proven technique that show by using these books, children able to read faster.For the time being my niece already finished her 2nd book of Anakku. There are 6 more books for her to go.
What I observed is she is quite slow in memorizing the words, she quite 'kelam kabut', however I really like her 'determination' to repetitively read those words again and again. When she recite it wrongly, I will ask her to repeat it again and again and she will not complain even in a single word. Hrm....she is very curious to learn and to do it correctly although it is quite hard for her to memorize it.
The other activity that I did yesterday was I went to Perodua Showroom with Ayah, ny nephew (Abg Ngah), Adik Lan (my 21st year old brother) and Pakcik Din (my Ayah's cousin). I want to buy a car for my Ayah. Currently, my Ayah drives an aging van that he used since my primary school. So, I think I want to give an appreciation to my Ayah by giving him a new car. Initially, I just want to buy a good secondhand car, but when thinking back that when we want to give something to other people, we must give the best prize that we really love it. So, I decided to go to new car's agent.
At that showroom, initially, I just want to buy Viva 660 cc, but that type does not has the sport rim. Then my mind upgraded to 850 cc.I asked dealer, "Did that type has power steering?". Dealer said, "That type does not has power steering". Huhuhu.....kalau macam tu saya nk yg 1000 cc la. Akhirnya, saya decide to buy 1.0 cc Viva Elite Manual. I let my father choose the color. He choosed the Solid White. Hrmmm.....hopefully bank approved my loan.Kalau bank tk approved, tk dptlah saya nk membeli buat masa sekarang.
Yesterday's evening, I went to my biological parents's house. My Ma gave me a new task which is I need to motivate my 15th years old brother to study hard for his PMR this year. Hrmm...mcm mana nk jadi pakar motivasi ni, diri sendiri pun bukan rajin sgt dulu. But, I must take that task, I will motivate him. I will use Nik Nor Madihah, the best student of Maahad Muhammadi Perempuan Kota Bharu as my role model. Madihah got 20 A for her SPM last year, she is really inspired me although I have taken my SPM last eight years. I have a book about her, just bought before going back to West Malaysia. I bought it at a shop located at a corner of Pasaraya Emart, Miri. That shop also in a row with Maybank and fast food restaurant. The title of that book is 'Nik Nor Madihah, Permata Generasi Rabbani'.
Ok, that all my story for today.
Monday, February 15, 2010
I am home

Alhamdulillah...I'm at my home now to spend my 1 week of annual leave. Updating from my bed. Alhamdulillah, my maxis broadband is working from my bed, although my village is only located in small town of Kelantan....:)
Now....I am enjoying reading a few articles from and , plus I am also replying email from office through my workforce portal.
A tip that I want to give to you today is....don't sleep after Subuh/Fajr prayer. Wake up for your Subuh prayer and stay up after that. If you don't have anything to do after Subuh prayer, you can plan what to do for that day in a piece of paper. You can reading books or blogs or reply email like what I am doing now. Or if you're a sport man or sport woman, you can go out for jogging or walking.Or if you like cooking, you can prepare breakfast for yourself, your housemates or your family members (remember....manusia yg paling baik adalah manusia yang bermanfaat kepada orang lain, sekali-kala tak salah berpenat-penat menyediakan breakfast yg enak utk org lain).
That's all from me today.....may Allah bless you always.
Friday, February 12, 2010
My Understanding On Sekularisme
One more heavy topic to discuss. Let's me brainstorm my understanding of secularisme.
- The meaning of secularisme is the belief or concept that separate religion from their daily life. Dengan istilah mudah, bagi fahaman secularisme konsep beragama hanya semasa melakukan ibadat khusus sahaja seperti solat, puasa dsb, Tetapi semasa melakukan aktiviti harian yang lain seperti bekerja,berpolitik, makan, tidur, bermain dan sebagainya, konsep beragama dipisahkan atau ditinggalkan.
- Konsep secularisme adalah bertentangan dengan ajaran Islam kerana Islam merupakan satu tatacara hidup yg meliputi segala aspek kehidupan.
- Dalam Islam konsep beragama tidak terhad di masjid sahaja, tetapi ianya meliputi aspek tatacara perhubungan antara manusia dengan manusia, aspek ekonomi, aspek peperangan, aspek perkahwinan, aspek pekerjaan dsbnya.
- Cth aspek perhubungan antara manusia dengan manusia yang lain (Sabda Rasulullah : Tidak sempurna iman seseorang sehingga dia mengasihi saudaranya seperti dia mengasihi dirinya sendiri)
- Cth aspek ekonomi, Islam melarang sistem riba dalam urusan perbankan. Islam melarang peniaga menipu dalam urusan timbangan.
- Kenapa secularisme dilarang???Ini kerana sistem secularisme akan menyebabkan kepincangan kehidupan manusia. Manusia yang lemah akan terus ditindas dan manusia yang kuat akan terus berkuasa. Dunia akan huru-hara kerana penipuan, rasuah dsbnya akan berluasa. Nasib wanita akan terancam kerana seperti yang saya katakan tadi secularisme akan memisahkan agama dari kehidupan harian, jadi hak2 wanita akan dinafikan. Cthnya hak untuk menutup aurat semasa bekerja, hak untuk dilindungi wali semasa menjadi musafir.
Jadi kesimpulannya di sini, mari lah bersama-sama kita membanteras secularisme dan cuba mengembalikan tatacara hidup seperti yang digariskan dalam Islam. I know it's hard, but let's us try it slowly. The first step may be try to perform Solat Fardhu punctually. When you hear the sound of Azan, leave all of our works, leave all of our meetings, leave all of tv programs, go to mosque/surau to pray.After perform Solat, we can continue our task.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Lecture Series from Sheikh Imran

Saya masih di Hotel Legend menghabiskan SKG course saya yg berbaki 3 hari lagi. Semalam saya tidur awal sbb penat. Tidur tanpa mengerjakan solat Isyak, saya tersedar pukul 5 pagi. Bangun dan solat Isyak.Sementara tunggu Subuh, saya terpanggil menghabiskan menonton youtube (Islam dan Sistem Kewangan Antarabangsa) dan terpanggil juga untuk menulis di laman blog ini.Semalam, saya tidur tanpa menutup laptop.
Satu lecture yg menarik dr Sheikh Imran Hossein. Sesiapa yg berminat utk tgk that lecture series boleh view di sini
From what I understood, he tried to said that nowadays money is only paper and doesn't have value at all and all of us (you & me) have been cheated by International Monetary System. Hehehe. Good point/view from him......He also said, you doesn't need PhD from London School of Economic to recognize whether we have been cheated or not?? What we need is 'Nur' in our heart. I agreed with his view, hrmm....whether you're agreed or not with his view it's up to you.
Okla....I don't want to elaborate more, watch his lecture's series at the above link and think by yourself. I want to prepare for today's class (Iron my clothes + Do class's exercise) and I want to pray Subuh.
Monday, February 8, 2010
Decision That Has Been Made

Just a true story of myself to share with all of you.
It is not easy to get rid of jeans, fit blouse, small size t-shirt, tudung bawal and small size tudung in my life. I have lived with them for almost 25 years in my life. It was a big decision that I have made. One day in the almost year end of 2009, may be in the month of August or September, I have decided….I gonna to keep all my jeans and fit blouse away from my wardrobe. I took out all my jeans and fit blouses from my wardrobe and pack them in a few boxes. In the Christmas last year, I donated them to the needy families around Miri. It was a fast and instant decision that I have made.
In my first day of wearing big tudung, I felt uncomfortable, I feel my clothes is not tidy….tk kemas, besar sgt. But I tried to pujuk my heart, I am a Muslimah, it is better to wear a loose clothes. As the time goes, I feel comfortable with it and I feel I have lived with it for a long time.However, it just end of last year, mean just 5 months ago.
For the first week wearing big tudung, I only have two big tudung that I bought in a tudung shop in Miri. That shop only has a few choices of big tudung and I bought two of them. Their colors are light green and cream. I have re-cycled them for almost one week, wore and washed them instantly. I mixed my tudung wearing that week with my black color and dark brown tudung bawal. As these tudung bawal have quite dark color, so they are not so transparent. My friend, Ira was very happy when she saw me wore that big tudung for the first day……..
Actually, this is my second trial to wear big tudung, my first trial was when I was a temporary teacher in a private Islamic school in Kelantan in the year 2007. After almost two months teaching there, the headmistress set a rule that all teachers must wear big tudung. And I said…………oh, no!!. But there was a rule and I tried to follow it and I also must be a good example to my students. For the first day I wore it, my six years old student said, “Teacher, you know how you’re actually when you wear like this….??. I just smiled to her. She continued, “You’re beautiful”. Hrmm….I just keep quiet but in my heart I said, “Is it true??” . She was six year old Faidhun Najda, the daughter of a lecturer and a doctor in Kelantan,this year she already eight years old. I miss her cute face with her long eyelashes, hope she will grow up as a good muslimah.
But, I only can retain that for a few days and I only have two big tudung during that time, light purple and light blue. I wore that just to fulfill the school laws and not with full of my heart. After not teaching there because I have decided to find another job in KL, I just kept that tudung at my home in Kelantan. One teacher at that school said to me, “Ada hadis Nabi mengatakan ramai perempuan yg berpakaian tetapi seperti tidak berpakaian (telanjang). Dimaksudkan tidak berpakaian adalah kerana memakai pakaian yg jarang dan ketat sehingga menampakkan bentuk badan”.
What she said really touched me during that time but it took me two years to make this big decision. What she said always ‘bermain-main’ in my mind until I have made this decision. That teacher is Kak Yam, she is so soft spoken until what she said had touched my heart.
I am still in the stage of learning to improve myself, semoga saya istiqamah dalam perkara yg mendatangkan kebaikan.
2 minggu meninggalkan Miri
I am in a business trip in KL for 1 week and 1 week annual leave in my hometown Kelantan. I leave Miri for two weeks. Hrmm...I don't know how I feel when I leave is a mix feeling, but I think I love Miri. I love my house in Miri that big and tidy lawn. The grass is always kept trimmed. I grow some plants in my house's lawn, they're roses, lime, 'kangkung', ginger and a few more types.
I also love my small car....Viva 1.0 cc, automatic + power steering. I always kept my car clean and tidy. I really good as compared to my previous car during my university time. In university, I owned Kancil, 850, manual. I sold it after graduation. Syukran.....I have a good life and my life's journey is not so difficult.
I also love my activities in Miri. I will miss 2 weeks usrah, two weeks sewing class.
Yesterday, I have a good time with my best friend, Jid. We went to Jln Masjid India to buy a few things. I bought a few of new clothes...Hrmmm....really love my new clothes until I think....sayangnya nk pakai...takut rosak.Hahaha. Biasalah, dah lama tk beli baju, jadi rasa janggal pulak nk pakai baju baru.
Today, I have course about Protection Relay at Hotel Legend, KL. I can't catch a few points that Instructor explained in the class today. Hrmm...don't give up and strive to be the best.
Okla, that all...bye
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Deep in my heart

Salam semua....
Lama saya tk update, sebenarnya saya terawang-awangan. I'm in a conflict of self identity.Mencari....dan mencari...berubah dan mengubah mindset dan cara hidup diri sendiri dan masyarakat.I don't know where to share my problem.....I try to call my mother but I don't know how to explain to her....She will not understand my problem. I would like to share it with my Kak long but she does not pick up the phone, then she sms why you called me last night??.I called her again, but she did not really understand and she busy with her baby boy.
Lastly.....I wrote it in Lady Ambitious blogspot.
My job I think it does not really suitable for a woman.It is a men's world. I am thinking, now I am against the 'Fikrah Wanita'. Is it???? However, in ancient Islamic history there were women that fight in a war.One example of them was Ummu Sulaim, the mother of famous hadis narrator, Anas bin Malik.Am I that though to be like her....???Deep in my heart, I want to give up.What making myself still here is because I always think that my job will develop myself to be a knowledgeable person, a tactful person, a good debater (because of too many challenge session) and a good planner. My life makes me too busy until I don't have time to think about 'remeh temeh' things so much.....So, I seldom have times to speak heart to heart to other peoples. I love to speak heart to heart actually....but now I do not really can accomodate this hobby anymore....Hehe
What makes my life job as an engineer,my gathering during usrah and majlis tadarus and my extra co-curiculum at office. The most important in my life is my gathering activity because I want to change myself and other peoples. Second important is my job because of I want to develop myself to be as genius as and as benificial as Marie Curie. Marie Curie is one of my idol in life. Extra co-curiculum sometimes I don't like it and become less priority because of no time to manage it but I always try to be patient....Read between the lines, everything happened must be a 'hikmah' between there.
Terdapat satu kata2 yg mengatakan..."Barangkali kamu membenci sesuatu perkara itu padahal ianya baik untukmu,dan barangkali kamu menyukai sesuatu perkara itu, padahal ia amat buruk untukmu"
Kalo tak silap kata2 di atas adalah hadis Nabi.
Yeay....akhirnya saya menemui solusi untuk self conflict saya pada mlm ni.....Alhamdullilah, moga kata2 di atas akan memotivasikan saya yg bekerja di dalam dunia lelaki ini dan yang hidup dalam dunia yang fikrah Islamnya kurang.
Moga saya bekerja dengan ikhlas dan jujur, moga saya lebih mendalami tentang garis panduan hidup sebenar seorang wanita di dalam Islam supaya saya tidak confuse.
Islam itu indah dan Islam itu membela hak wanita.
Lama saya tk update, sebenarnya saya terawang-awangan. I'm in a conflict of self identity.Mencari....dan mencari...berubah dan mengubah mindset dan cara hidup diri sendiri dan masyarakat.I don't know where to share my problem.....I try to call my mother but I don't know how to explain to her....She will not understand my problem. I would like to share it with my Kak long but she does not pick up the phone, then she sms why you called me last night??.I called her again, but she did not really understand and she busy with her baby boy.
Lastly.....I wrote it in Lady Ambitious blogspot.
My job I think it does not really suitable for a woman.It is a men's world. I am thinking, now I am against the 'Fikrah Wanita'. Is it???? However, in ancient Islamic history there were women that fight in a war.One example of them was Ummu Sulaim, the mother of famous hadis narrator, Anas bin Malik.Am I that though to be like her....???Deep in my heart, I want to give up.What making myself still here is because I always think that my job will develop myself to be a knowledgeable person, a tactful person, a good debater (because of too many challenge session) and a good planner. My life makes me too busy until I don't have time to think about 'remeh temeh' things so much.....So, I seldom have times to speak heart to heart to other peoples. I love to speak heart to heart actually....but now I do not really can accomodate this hobby anymore....Hehe
What makes my life job as an engineer,my gathering during usrah and majlis tadarus and my extra co-curiculum at office. The most important in my life is my gathering activity because I want to change myself and other peoples. Second important is my job because of I want to develop myself to be as genius as and as benificial as Marie Curie. Marie Curie is one of my idol in life. Extra co-curiculum sometimes I don't like it and become less priority because of no time to manage it but I always try to be patient....Read between the lines, everything happened must be a 'hikmah' between there.
Terdapat satu kata2 yg mengatakan..."Barangkali kamu membenci sesuatu perkara itu padahal ianya baik untukmu,dan barangkali kamu menyukai sesuatu perkara itu, padahal ia amat buruk untukmu"
Kalo tak silap kata2 di atas adalah hadis Nabi.
Yeay....akhirnya saya menemui solusi untuk self conflict saya pada mlm ni.....Alhamdullilah, moga kata2 di atas akan memotivasikan saya yg bekerja di dalam dunia lelaki ini dan yang hidup dalam dunia yang fikrah Islamnya kurang.
Moga saya bekerja dengan ikhlas dan jujur, moga saya lebih mendalami tentang garis panduan hidup sebenar seorang wanita di dalam Islam supaya saya tidak confuse.
Islam itu indah dan Islam itu membela hak wanita.
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