Saya masih di Hotel Legend menghabiskan SKG course saya yg berbaki 3 hari lagi. Semalam saya tidur awal sbb penat. Tidur tanpa mengerjakan solat Isyak, saya tersedar pukul 5 pagi. Bangun dan solat Isyak.Sementara tunggu Subuh, saya terpanggil menghabiskan menonton youtube (Islam dan Sistem Kewangan Antarabangsa) dan terpanggil juga untuk menulis di laman blog ini.Semalam, saya tidur tanpa menutup laptop.
Satu lecture yg menarik dr Sheikh Imran Hossein. Sesiapa yg berminat utk tgk that lecture series boleh view di sini http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4oJAZgTQs3Y&feature=PlayList&p=DAA8635B60457709&index=12
From what I understood, he tried to said that nowadays money is only paper and doesn't have value at all and all of us (you & me) have been cheated by International Monetary System. Hehehe. Good point/view from him......He also said, you doesn't need PhD from London School of Economic to recognize whether we have been cheated or not?? What we need is 'Nur' in our heart. I agreed with his view, hrmm....whether you're agreed or not with his view it's up to you.
Okla....I don't want to elaborate more, watch his lecture's series at the above link and think by yourself. I want to prepare for today's class (Iron my clothes + Do class's exercise) and I want to pray Subuh.
ReplyDeleteTerimakasih atas bantuan anda menyebarkan ilmu yg amat bermakna disaat umat islam sedang lena dengan dunia yg sementara ini, moga diberkati Allah selalu, Amin.