Salam semua....
Lama saya tk update, sebenarnya saya terawang-awangan. I'm in a conflict of self identity.Mencari....dan mencari...berubah dan mengubah mindset dan cara hidup diri sendiri dan masyarakat.I don't know where to share my problem.....I try to call my mother but I don't know how to explain to her....She will not understand my problem. I would like to share it with my Kak long but she does not pick up the phone, then she sms why you called me last night??.I called her again, but she did not really understand and she busy with her baby boy.
Lastly.....I wrote it in Lady Ambitious blogspot.
My job I think it does not really suitable for a woman.It is a men's world. I am thinking, now I am against the 'Fikrah Wanita'. Is it???? However, in ancient Islamic history there were women that fight in a war.One example of them was Ummu Sulaim, the mother of famous hadis narrator, Anas bin Malik.Am I that though to be like her....???Deep in my heart, I want to give up.What making myself still here is because I always think that my job will develop myself to be a knowledgeable person, a tactful person, a good debater (because of too many challenge session) and a good planner. My life makes me too busy until I don't have time to think about 'remeh temeh' things so much.....So, I seldom have times to speak heart to heart to other peoples. I love to speak heart to heart actually....but now I do not really can accomodate this hobby anymore....Hehe
What makes my life busy....my job as an engineer,my gathering during usrah and majlis tadarus and my extra co-curiculum at office. The most important in my life is my gathering activity because I want to change myself and other peoples. Second important is my job because of I want to develop myself to be as genius as and as benificial as Marie Curie. Marie Curie is one of my idol in life. Extra co-curiculum sometimes I don't like it and become less priority because of no time to manage it but I always try to be patient....Read between the lines, everything happened must be a 'hikmah' between there.
Terdapat satu kata2 yg mengatakan..."Barangkali kamu membenci sesuatu perkara itu padahal ianya baik untukmu,dan barangkali kamu menyukai sesuatu perkara itu, padahal ia amat buruk untukmu"
Kalo tak silap kata2 di atas adalah hadis Nabi.
Yeay....akhirnya saya menemui solusi untuk self conflict saya pada mlm ni.....Alhamdullilah, moga kata2 di atas akan memotivasikan saya yg bekerja di dalam dunia lelaki ini dan yang hidup dalam dunia yang fikrah Islamnya kurang.
Moga saya bekerja dengan ikhlas dan jujur, moga saya lebih mendalami tentang garis panduan hidup sebenar seorang wanita di dalam Islam supaya saya tidak confuse.
Islam itu indah dan Islam itu membela hak wanita.
Lama saya tk update, sebenarnya saya terawang-awangan. I'm in a conflict of self identity.Mencari....dan mencari...berubah dan mengubah mindset dan cara hidup diri sendiri dan masyarakat.I don't know where to share my problem.....I try to call my mother but I don't know how to explain to her....She will not understand my problem. I would like to share it with my Kak long but she does not pick up the phone, then she sms why you called me last night??.I called her again, but she did not really understand and she busy with her baby boy.
Lastly.....I wrote it in Lady Ambitious blogspot.
My job I think it does not really suitable for a woman.It is a men's world. I am thinking, now I am against the 'Fikrah Wanita'. Is it???? However, in ancient Islamic history there were women that fight in a war.One example of them was Ummu Sulaim, the mother of famous hadis narrator, Anas bin Malik.Am I that though to be like her....???Deep in my heart, I want to give up.What making myself still here is because I always think that my job will develop myself to be a knowledgeable person, a tactful person, a good debater (because of too many challenge session) and a good planner. My life makes me too busy until I don't have time to think about 'remeh temeh' things so much.....So, I seldom have times to speak heart to heart to other peoples. I love to speak heart to heart actually....but now I do not really can accomodate this hobby anymore....Hehe
What makes my life busy....my job as an engineer,my gathering during usrah and majlis tadarus and my extra co-curiculum at office. The most important in my life is my gathering activity because I want to change myself and other peoples. Second important is my job because of I want to develop myself to be as genius as and as benificial as Marie Curie. Marie Curie is one of my idol in life. Extra co-curiculum sometimes I don't like it and become less priority because of no time to manage it but I always try to be patient....Read between the lines, everything happened must be a 'hikmah' between there.
Terdapat satu kata2 yg mengatakan..."Barangkali kamu membenci sesuatu perkara itu padahal ianya baik untukmu,dan barangkali kamu menyukai sesuatu perkara itu, padahal ia amat buruk untukmu"
Kalo tak silap kata2 di atas adalah hadis Nabi.
Yeay....akhirnya saya menemui solusi untuk self conflict saya pada mlm ni.....Alhamdullilah, moga kata2 di atas akan memotivasikan saya yg bekerja di dalam dunia lelaki ini dan yang hidup dalam dunia yang fikrah Islamnya kurang.
Moga saya bekerja dengan ikhlas dan jujur, moga saya lebih mendalami tentang garis panduan hidup sebenar seorang wanita di dalam Islam supaya saya tidak confuse.
Islam itu indah dan Islam itu membela hak wanita.
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